Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Underlying Mechanisms of Neurological Diseases

Have you ever tried to break a bad habit, such as drug addiction, but was not successful?  Or have you been rather successful in developing good habits, such as perseverance or eating healthily?  Whichever case it is, thank dopamine!   

Dr. Kim 'Avrama' Blackwell from the Computational and Experimental Neuroplasticity Laboratory of the Krasnow Institute at GMU has done research on the computational modelling of neurological diseases.  Of high importance in the development of these diseases is dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in habits, addiction, and reward-centered behaviors.  Of the various illnesses affected by dopamine, common ones include: ADHD, schizophrenia, and Parkinson's. 

Dopamine is produced in various structures of the brain, including the substantia nigra (SN).  In the basal ganglia circuitry, the SN sends dopaminergic pathways to the striatum, which is then directed to the ventrolateral thalamus and primary motor cortex.  Since dopamine promotes movement, if neurons within the SN die and the SN diminish in size, movement is inhibited.  This is clearly depicted in patients with Parkinson's disease who have slow movement and rigidity of the body.  Dopamine is not only constricted to movement processes, but is also involved in the formation of habits, skill learning, and reward learning. 

As mentioned above, dopamine is responsible for learning and it does so by inducing synaptic plasticity.  A question posed by Dr. Blackwell was how do neurons know to increase certain synapses and not others?  The main component of synaptic plasticity is calcium, however it cannot do the job alone.  In order to understand the signaling pathways involved in synaptic plasticity, temporal and spatial specificity must be observed.  Long-term depression (LTD) and long-term potentiation (LTP) have been found to be underlying factors in cognitive functions such as learning and memory by way of synaptic plasticity.  In terms of spatial aspects, protein kinase A (PKA) location is important for LTP within the striatum.  PKA must be anchored near the enzyme adenyl cyclase help produce spatial specificity.  It is typically known that high frequency stimulation (~100Hz) produce LTD.  In the study conducted by Dr. Blackwell, it was found that theta burst stimulation produced striatal LTP.  This temporal pattern differentiated for LTD or LTP in the striatum.  In order to further discriminate temporal patterns, other molecules and pathways were observed.  Dopamine interaction with ACh activated Gq pathways, which resulted in the endocannabinoid 2AG in LTD and protein kinase C in LTP.  LTD and LTP are expressed in synaptic models and are shown to affect the amount of plasticity induced., thus impacting learning and memory. 

The mechanisms behind LTD and LTP are still not fully understood.  Their activities are dependent upon which circuits they operate and temporal, as well as spatial, specificity.  There can never be an end to enhancing computational modeling of neural networks to further understand the interactions of different molecules in various pathways.  In order to better the research that has been produced, Dr. Blackwell plans to evaluate responses of cortical activation with various levels of dopamine and derive plasticity rules to incorporate into models of striatal networks.

During Dr. Blackwell's lecture, I can surely affirm that LTP was at work in order for me to learn and store the newly acquired information.  It is amazing to know how simple tasks that we as humans do without much deliberation is carried out by such intricate networks within our brains.  Learning and memory differs across different situations.  Learning to play an instrument activates different areas of the brain compared to learning calculus.  How do we know how to differentiate learning and how can we optimize our learning capabilities?  In addition, hopefully with further studies focusing on the neural networks behind learning and memory, those with learning disabilities such as ADD, Autism, or dyslexia will be able to learn more effectively and easily.  Just as how learning never ends, research on this topic will only further advance the field of neuroscience.   

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hippocampal Functioning in Juveniles

      What is the earliest memory you can remember from childhood?  According to Dr. Ted Dumas of PBNJ Lab at the Krasnow Institute of GMU, many of us will not remember much from before three years of age.  This may be due to the delayed development of the hippocampus, resulting in the late formation of personal episodic memories until later in the post-natal period.  With his research on the relationship between glutamate receptor deactivation and spatial memories, Dr. Dumas helped us further understand the various aspects of memory formation.

     The hippocampus is crucial in the process of memory formation, which is facilitated by synaptic responses.  Dr. Dumas' research on rat subjects in spatial mazes has shown that spatial guided navigation does not develop until the end of three post-natal weeks. The reasoning behind this is the place cells are not evident in the hippocampus until about 16 days of age.  In addition, there is a reduced capacity of glutamatergic synapses to activate postsynaptic neurons.  This fact formed a foundation for Dr. Dumas' research on how memory formation may be limited due to a lack of synaptic excitation.  Experiments were done on rats given the drug Ampakines, which prolongs synaptic responses.  The rats were then placed in a Y-Maze to test for spontaneous alternation.  Rats without hippocampal lesions visited the least recently visited arm about 60-70% of the time.  However, rats with hippocampal damage had more difficulty remembering which arm they last visited, so the rate dropped.  Along with drugs that increase postsynaptic activation, visual enrichment also showed to be a key factor in cognitive development.  Rats' eyelids were parted four days prior to when it would have normally opened to give the rats more visual experience.  The increase of visual exposure accelerated the development of the hippocampus.  With that, we know that hippocampal maturation is associated with the duration of excitatory synaptic responses and spatial deliberation.  

Y-Maze Depicting Spontaneous Alternation

     The ability to observe how prolonging excitatory synaptic responses affects hippocampal neurons will surely help neuroscientists study and understand more about the development and retrieval of memories.  The plasticity of the brain can be seen with the help of drugs such as Ampakines, allowing further discovery on the encoding of memories.  The study has shown high success rates for juvenile subjects.  It would be great if in the future there will be a way to prolong memory in the elderly or those with cognitive damage.  Glutamate is known to be a central part of learning, memory, and cognitive development.  Since Ampakines regulates the levels of glutamate, could this drug also be used to treat diseases such as Alzheimer's?